Tuesday, June 28, 2011

clean out

Hi all,

thanks for being patient as I find out what I need to post next. There is nothing really new to report.

She is still in a minimally conscious state. There are times where she will make a connection with us and she'll try to say things or follow commands, but those times are few far in between.

She did say "no" the other day as she was in the bed with the therapist working on her, but that was it.

Over the weekend we did have the doctors clean her out of her meds and find out what her baseline is. Unfortunately, since not being on any wake up drugs she isn't really doing a whole lot and shes not responding to much.

They are going to start her out on another med soo and start experimenting more with different combinations. Pray that we are able to make a connection and get her to where she needs to be.

Good day and God Bless.

Monday, June 6, 2011

her first words...


Yes thats right she is starting to talk, well forming actual words and not just making sounds. Its still a little hard to understand though.

We are working on trying to get this on camera or for the doctors to see so that she can continue on at Kentfield.

Yesterday I bought a flip camera that will hopefully catch all of her activity! YES!

For me, I think this is huge... for her to know that she is in pain, then to associate this pain with her arm and know this is what is hurting, BIG STEP!

Otherwise she is doing awesome! They started her on new meds to see if she will wake up but nothing too major yet, well other than her talk of course!

From a personal stand point, I have several people that I can talk to about what I am going through and all of you have been wonderful enough to let me know that you are all here for me and the family, which we appreciate. That being said this blog is my outlet, a way for me to share things that allow unbiased opinions or a way for me to vent so that I can get it off my chest without having to tell someone the story and hear their reactions. I want all of you to know that I appreciate your concern, but it is very difficult for me to share my feelings, opinions and what is actually going on with her, if I or anyone in my family has to field a panel of questions following it, its exhausting! Yes, this is all scary and we are hopeful for a speedy recovery. However, this road to recovery has its ups and downs and we all have to take it with a grain of salt and take the good in with the bad. This blog is a fact, not sugar coated to make this process easier. On the days that I write not such great news, its not that I want to write that, but it is what it is, don't question it.

I am not saying these things so that you do not call and continue to ask how she is doing or how that family is doing. I want the continued support, prayers and best wishes. This blog is fact... so trust that I am telling you what we know and trust in the process. It is a long road ahead of us, and I want to take you along the way.

I hope everyone has an awesome Monday, good day and God Bless.