Saturday, July 16, 2011

Funeral Services

Funeral Services will be held @

Chapel of the Chimes, in Hayward
32992 Mission Blvd
Hayward, CA 94544


Tuesday, July 19, from 4pm - 9pm
Wednesday, July 20, from 9am - 10am


Wednesday July 20 @ 10am
The burial will follow


Wednesday, July 20 from 12pm to 5pm

At the Masonic Lodge in Hayward
1074 B Street
Hayward, CA 94541

We will have a light luncheon available, if you wish to bring food please feel free to bring either a entree or a dessert to share, to those who wish to come and celebrate Valerie's life, with dessert to follow.

We will also have an open forum during the gathering where people are encouraged to share life experiences with Valerie.

We will have Soda and Bottled water available, if you would like anything specific please feel free to bring it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

May 17,1958 - July 13, 2011

Rest In Peace Mommy...

Valerie Jean Aldrete passed away around 8:45pm last night.

Please check back in for details regarding the funeral arrangements. We are look at the beginning of next week...

Please give the family the space to grieve and heal as we are going through a difficult time. We want to remember her full of life, happy and grateful for everything she had.

God Bless.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Saying Goodbye...

This may be the easiest way to get the word out.

On Friday, July 8, my mom suffered from another cardiac arrest. She is stable and somewhat back to her same condition.

After speaking with the doctors and getting several opinions, the family has decided to respect Valerie's wishes through the discontinuation of medical care and make her the most comfortable as she passes.

This decision, as difficult as it is, is the best choice for Valerie after the doctors informed us that her brain has begun to atrophy and her ability to recover from another inevitable cardiac arrest would be hard to overcome. Starting tomorrow evening, comfort care will begin.

We ask that you please respect the family in this time of grief and give us the space to say our goodbyes. For those who wish to say goodbye please call before coming by the hospital for address or directions.

Please continue to look for updates on the blog as the arrangements for the funeral are in place I will be making phone calls and posting information.

God Bless.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

clean out

Hi all,

thanks for being patient as I find out what I need to post next. There is nothing really new to report.

She is still in a minimally conscious state. There are times where she will make a connection with us and she'll try to say things or follow commands, but those times are few far in between.

She did say "no" the other day as she was in the bed with the therapist working on her, but that was it.

Over the weekend we did have the doctors clean her out of her meds and find out what her baseline is. Unfortunately, since not being on any wake up drugs she isn't really doing a whole lot and shes not responding to much.

They are going to start her out on another med soo and start experimenting more with different combinations. Pray that we are able to make a connection and get her to where she needs to be.

Good day and God Bless.

Monday, June 6, 2011

her first words...


Yes thats right she is starting to talk, well forming actual words and not just making sounds. Its still a little hard to understand though.

We are working on trying to get this on camera or for the doctors to see so that she can continue on at Kentfield.

Yesterday I bought a flip camera that will hopefully catch all of her activity! YES!

For me, I think this is huge... for her to know that she is in pain, then to associate this pain with her arm and know this is what is hurting, BIG STEP!

Otherwise she is doing awesome! They started her on new meds to see if she will wake up but nothing too major yet, well other than her talk of course!

From a personal stand point, I have several people that I can talk to about what I am going through and all of you have been wonderful enough to let me know that you are all here for me and the family, which we appreciate. That being said this blog is my outlet, a way for me to share things that allow unbiased opinions or a way for me to vent so that I can get it off my chest without having to tell someone the story and hear their reactions. I want all of you to know that I appreciate your concern, but it is very difficult for me to share my feelings, opinions and what is actually going on with her, if I or anyone in my family has to field a panel of questions following it, its exhausting! Yes, this is all scary and we are hopeful for a speedy recovery. However, this road to recovery has its ups and downs and we all have to take it with a grain of salt and take the good in with the bad. This blog is a fact, not sugar coated to make this process easier. On the days that I write not such great news, its not that I want to write that, but it is what it is, don't question it.

I am not saying these things so that you do not call and continue to ask how she is doing or how that family is doing. I want the continued support, prayers and best wishes. This blog is fact... so trust that I am telling you what we know and trust in the process. It is a long road ahead of us, and I want to take you along the way.

I hope everyone has an awesome Monday, good day and God Bless.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Valerie

Good Morning and Happy Monday!

Sorry for the every two week posts now. Unfortunately, I only want to post if there is a lot to say.

Last Tuesday was her birthday, a very hard day, but she had a lot of visitors and a lot of activity which made it a good day for her.

People brought flowers, balloons, cake, Lumpias, cards and best wishes for her speedy recovery.

As I missed being able to do my tradition of calling her first thing in the morning and singing Happy Birthday to her and then going to dinner with her at her newest favorite restaurant in Tracy, we had to settle for singing to her in bed, eating hospital food and laying in bed with her, and hugging her so that she knows we are all there for her.

In terms of her progress, as per what the doctor has told us, her tremors are inhibiting her from waking up. Her seizures are under control. But in order to make her tremors stop, they have to sedate her to some extent, but sedating her will make her sleepy and not able to wake up anyways, so its a catch 22.

I ask of you all now, if you have a chance, and if it is not hard for you to do so, please go visit her. The visitors have dropped off and I feel her everyday life was filled with different people everyday, and she had such deep connections with all of you, that she is missing that. I know it is a far drive, but if you have a chance to do that, that would be great. I know she would love it, and the family would love it too.

She is at Kentfield Rehabilitation & Specialty Hospital
1125 Sir Francis Drake Blvd.
Kentfield, CA 94904

Hope all is well.

Good Day and God Bless

Monday, May 9, 2011

mothers day

Hi Everyone,

thank you for being patient with me. As I said before, if there are little to no improvements there will be no post, so just continue to bear with me as I post on this as much as time allows me.

SO far she is still improving a little each day. she is still in a minimal conscious state and is trying to wake up and do somethings.

According to Dr. Waters, its seems that they have subsided the seizures. Now they arer working on different medications to try to wake her up.

She hasn't had any new tests run.

she has more regular sleep and wake patterns is seems, and she has been awake more and trying to do little things.

She can still follow some simple commands, it just takes longer to process.

She is trying hard to talk and do somethings its just more difficult for her to do them at times.

Yesterday I spent a nice day with her. It was somewhat warm and we were able to take her outside and and we brought buddy to the hospital and he was able to jump up and lick her and she winced like she didn't like it. It was nice to finally have her outside, you could tell she liked being in the sun and soaking up the rays. She is with us, she can hear us... she is taking some well deserved time and rest.

Keep praying. Good day and God Bless.

Monday, April 25, 2011

our first holiday without her...

As Easter morning came... it definitely was not something I was looking forward too. I missed the fact that she always thought of everyone on Easter, candy, baskets, toys, flowers... but the best thing was her cards, she always spent her time in the store looking for the funniest most inappropriate cards that would bring out the biggest laughter from everyone. I definitely do not want to spend another holiday without her...

In terms of how she is doing... for the most part it is the same.

She has been taken off of one of the medicines to stop her seizures, and they are scheduled to do an EEG and test to make sure they have stopped before they continue to run new tests and try new things to wake her up.

One new thing that we have started to do was the doctor gave authorization to us to cap her Trach so we can hear the noises she has been making... during last week she tried to say her name and then yesterday while I was washing her face and cleaning her up, it was a little uncomfortable for her and she said ouch twice!!!! It was amazing!!!!

Other than that... we are praying for her quick recovery so that she can continue to stay at the hospital that she is at for as long as she needs too.

Hope everyone is all doing great, good day and God bless!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

8 weeks

Hi all,

I know it has been 2 weeks since my last post, but life has caught up with me ap bear with me on this one. Here is an update in what we know.

She is still in a minimal conscious state.

She is making some progress in terms of new things she is doing but not much.

Her therapies are all going great, but in order for them to be able to push harder needs to wake up.

After speaking with the doctors we were able to get an update on her condition and sort of figure out what we have to look forward too in the next coming weeks and for the long haul.

From what the doctor understands, she has been having what they call break-through seizures, which they believe is what has been inhibiting her from waking up.

Thus they have started her on 2 new medications to stop the seizures from happening and hopefully she will wake up.

She had an EEG and an MRI done last week and it appears that her swelling has gone sown and they are not concerned at all in terms of swelling.

The good news is that she will live a quality life, just not how she had planned on doing so.

Now Dr. Dougherty's program is 8 weeks, this coming Thursday will be week 3. If she does not wake or have significant leaps of improvement we have to start looking for new places to go for sub-acute and long-term care. We are hoping that since she is being given those medications to stop her seizures, that she will at least wake up and she will be able to stay for a few weeks longer to give her time to develop and make significant improvement.

I know my mom is going to be fine. Yes, it wont be like she is going to wake up and everything is going to be like it was before, but she is still here and going to be able to share and enrich her life as she has ours. I know I miss her like all of you do. Keep praying.

Good day, God Bless and Happy Easter.

Monday, April 4, 2011

slow and steady wins the race....

My mom is slowly and steadily improving. As I am looking for the biggest improvement with her everyday, there are small steps. In terms of her improvement, to me, her progress has plateaued. As I hope everyday that she is making huge leaps of improvement, we have to wait it out and see.

She is still in a Mid-level Conscious state.

Being in a new place, were still trying to get all the kinks worked out with the staff and get her back on a regime.

Today she starts her 6 day a week Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT) and Speech Therapy (ST).

She is going to be stood up today, and hopefully that wakes her up!!!

PT comes in everyday, and depending on the day will work with her on a small or large level to get her moving again.

OT has started and is working to keep her hands open so she may get back to cutting hair in no time.

ST is going to work on having her follow simple commands, the first, swallowing her own secretions, once she can do that, she will be able to have the Trach cap put on and she could possibly start to talk and even go outside! And once outside.... we can bring BUDDY the puppy!!

Thats all for last week, enjoy this week and hopefully you all can go visit her sometime.

Good day and God bless.

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Hi all I know its a few days early but I have another update...

Because she is breathing on her own now, even though she still has the trach she is no longer
allowed to stay in Acute Care at Eden Hospital in Castro Valley.   They will
be moving her today to Kentfield Rehabilitation and Specialty
Hospital.  It is a long term acute care hospital specializing in the care of
complex medical and rehabilitation patients who may require extended stays
to achieve the best recovery possible.  Her doctor told us that it is a very
good facility and she will be in good hands.  Of course her care is
the first and foremost requirement, but unfortunately it is not a close
facility.  It is in Marin County, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge.  I
have listed the address and phone number below.

As it's a little upsetting, as we were all able to see her everyday at
Eden and we will not be able to that now.  And we all agree that visits from
family and friends will greatly increase her rehabilitation. If at all possible, try to get out there during the week as now the weekends are going to be filled with visitors.

Thanks again for all your good thoughts and prayers.

Monday, March 28, 2011

And shes out of ICU!!

That's right my mom is out of ICU!

She's doing great, making lots of movements and progress.

She is still in a minimal conscious state but is making little improvements everyday.

She is still at Eden Medical in Castro Valley, but has moved to the neurological wing on the 6th floor, room 6101.

All visitors are welcome and encouraged to cine during the week. Weekends tend to be extremely busy and full if people.

She has started therapy, doing some physical, occupational and speech.

Thy have her sit in a chair and she holds up her head and it is good for her memory to do familiar things.

She rocks her head back and fourth like she is shaking it no, especially when I am trying to wash her face or put lotion on her.

She also has been moving her legs, feet, toes, arms, hands and fingers, separately, on command, meaning she is able to follow simple commands we ask of her, which are all signs of improvement.

With that I leave you with hope for the week, keep praying, hoping and visiting, she needs it.

Good day and God bless.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Hi all, I know u are all anxiously waiting to hear an update so here it is.

After speaking with the doctors at Eden Medical they gave us some insight as to what we should expect over the next 6 months.

We are seeing little improvements everyday. Commands such as move your fingers and toes, give me a thumbs up, blink your eyes, and close your mouth. All are little things we have been practicing with her and she has been trying to reaped the best she can.

We exercise her everyday and she gets this little from on her face evetytime we do it, you know how she love her workouts.

We also massage her legs and and arms and she loves that too.

We read and play music, of course Katy Perry, because she loves it.

We have also started a journal so we can record all the things she is doing and all the visitors that come by.

We have also started using a sensory kit, with familiar sounds and smells for her to access the seep portion of the brain.

She has had a feeding tube (G tube) put in so she gets to eat.

She has also had a Trach put in so now her vocal chords won't get damaged... we all know how she lives to talk.

All in all, she is making huge progress and I am very hopeful for a full recovery.

I know that all of you would like updates as soon as something happens, however, I will only be posting once a week now, for we are in a waiting process and I will be returning to work. Please refrain from calling for updates to those that you know are close.

And remember, no news is good news.

Good day and God bless.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Gut Feeling....

We are taught from a young age to go with our gut feeling. Whether it be a test we may be guestamating on, or a feeling we should or shouldn't pursue.... either way, our gut is a sign that we should always follow.

That said, I woke up this morning with the gut feeling that my mom was going to wake up this week.

She is doing so great, her vitals are all great.

She is still in a coma but she is resting and taking the much needed time to recover.

Keep praying, hoping and sharing.

Good day and God bless.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

march 13, 2011

Sorry there was no update yesterday, but I was organizing the vigil.

But here is the update.

She is still in a coma and stable.

She is reacting to stimuli tests and other tests they are doing.

Happy moment: she was poked in the eye with a q-tip and moved away like she was annoyed with it. She is doing great and looks so beautiful!!!

Sad moment: NONE!!!!

In closing, the prayer vigil was a huge success and meant so much to me for those who showed up and those leaving their prayers on the blog. My mom is going to be so mad that she has missed all the people saying hi to her and missing out on the loads of family and friend time we have all spent together...

We are all optimistic about my moms recovery and she is doing amazing!!

Keep praying and hoping.

Good day and God bless!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

tracy press article by: kevin young

Article written for the Tracy Press website.

The 23-year-old Tracy resident is holding a candlelight vigil for her 52-year-old mother, Valerie, who suffered a heart attack and was hospitalized after a pilates class at In-Shape Health Club on Tracy Boulevard this past Monday evening.

“It’s very easy for me to be organized with all of this that’s going on. It’s a difficult time. It helps me to take my mind off of it a little bit. I have a goal and this is helping me to work through the difficult time,” said Amanda Aldrete, who has also started a blog “Valerie’s Voice,” which gives status updates on her mother’s health, and encourages people to pray and come to the vigil.

According to Aldrete’s blog, her mother took a break from pilates, and during a water break, she said she was not feeling well. When she went to sit down, she collapsed. CPR was administered until emergency medical technicians arrived.

On Wednesday, Valerie was in a coma. But by Friday, Aldrete said there had been some improvement in her mother’s condition.

“The test confirmed that there is some brain activity, that’s the good news. She’s moving, she’s crying, she’s trying to pull the tubes out of her mouth, she’s looking at people whenever they come into the room. The family is remaining optimistic,” Aldrete said.

The heart attack was surprising to Aldrete, since she says her mother leads a healthy lifestyle.

“She is one of the most healthy people I know,” she said. “She had been sick with bronchitis a few weeks prior … she takes vitamins and works out all the time, and she’s really healthy.”

The vigil was something that Aldrete wanted to do since she and her mother are exceptionally close.

“Me and my mom are like two peas in a pod. She’s my best friend. She’s always there for me when I’ve needed her to be. She’s taken care of me more than anyone has. It’s unconditional love,” Aldrete said. “My mom is very much the person that she makes sure she takes care of everybody else before she takes care of herself. She never puts herself first.”

The candlelight vigil for Valerie is this Saturday at 5 p.m. inside the Masonic Lodge, 1601 N. Tracy Blvd. People who attend are encouraged to bring gifts, cards, and say prayers. Three hundred tea light candles will be available for those in attendance. Real candles will not be allowed inside the Masonic Lodge.

Pastor David Beard from Trinity Church in Pleasanton will lead a prayer and bless Valerie. And Amanda says she is going to share a prayer that will be passed out to those in attendance, and is available on her blog.

“We’re going to ask some people to speak and talk about how much my mom is loved,” Aldrete said. “We’re expecting anywhere from 300 to 400 people to come. It may be really huge.”

March 11, 2011

Sorry for the late update, but been busy today.

As of Friday morning this is what we know:

She is still in a coma, and is stable.

She has been moved as of this morning, from Sutter hospital in Tracy to Eden Medical in Castro Valley.

Since she has been moved to Eden, tests have confirmed there is brain activity.

Eden specializes in traumatic brain injuries, where they will conduct additional tests to confirm past diagnoses and determine course of action.

Happy moment: She has been yawning, opening her eyes to see who is visiting, wiggling her toes on command and has involuntary reflexes.

Sad moment: she has yet to do reflexes on a consistent basis, including her limbs.

posting comments

Hi to all, I have just become aware that people are having difficulties posting comments and becoming followers of the blog.

I know that you must have either a gmail or yahoo account. If not you can only read the blog.

Also, I am writing all blogs on my phone, so please forgive all grammatical errors and spelling problems.:-)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

march 10, 2011

This is what we know...

Still in a coma, and stable.

Still doing tests and trying to figure out what her current situation is.

Happy moment: yesterday and last night there was some movement. As they were cleaning her feeding tubes she had a reflex and sat up. Also she lunged up and winced as if she was waking up in pain but started to cry, twice. And there is also some eye movement.

All this is sparks of hope that we can hold on too and know that my mother is a fighter, she never gives up.

Sad moment: with all the tests being done we will not know anything for 24-48 hours.

In closing, it mean the world to me that everyone is looking, posting, praying, sharing and hoping. My mother knows how much she is loved and I know she is going to be so happy when she reads all your words.

I'm going to leave you with my favorite quote, which my mother loves as well:

Live well, Laugh often, and Love much.

Good day and God bless!

healing candlelight vigil

What: We will be holding a candlelight vigil in honor of my mother, to pray for her fast recovery and for her to wake up.

Who: All are invited to attend

Where: The Masonic Lodge
1601 N. Tracy Blvd
Tracy, CA 95376

When: Saturday, March 12,2011 at 5:00pm

I would like to have a head count of who is attending. If u could please click on the comment link and just write your name and who you are bringing.

Parking is going to be scarce, I suggest arriving early to account for that time. I ask that you DO NOT park in the front lot.

No food or drinks will be allowed in the room.

Seating is limited.

I am going to ask specific ppl to speak at the vigil, if you would like to speak please let me know when u reply that you are attending. We do not want to be there for a long period of time, so all requests will be considered.

For those who may want to bring cards, flowers etc. you may bring them to the temple and we will make sure she gets them.

Again, we ask that you respect the families wishes and give them space for healing. Please be aware that Hospital guests are limited to family members only. Thank you.

If you have specific questions, regarding the vigil ONLY, please email me directly at Questions regarding my moms condition will not be answered.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

where to send

If you would like to say prayers and wishes please post on here and please send anything to her salon:

458 East 10th street
Tracy, CA 95376

Thank you in advance for giving the family space for healing. Please be aware that visitors at the hospital are limited to family members only. Thank you.

Everyone is invited to attend a candlelight vigil on Saturday, March 12, 2011 details will follow in a later post.


This is my mom's favorite prayer.

I thank you, energy of light, for giving me absolute protection against all the negative energy around me, no matter where it comes from. Than you on behalf of myself and those who are dear to me, in the name of the great divine laws.

Please say this prayer in her honor.

what we know.

As of March 9, 2011, this is what we know.

It was a heart attack.

She's in a coma, but is stable.

Recently had an EKG and seems to have gone well.

Getting ready to have an EEG to test brain activity.

Happy moment: she opened her eyes while the doctor was changing her meds and vitamins and we saw her retina twitch, which we have been told may suggest brain activity.

Sad moment: the doctor said that what we thought was responsive movement was just twitching and not a reaction to what we were doing.

Please pray and send your wishes, post comments so that when she wakes, we can show her how much she is loved.

Standby for an update tomorrow, where I will have another post on all updated information.

what happened.

On Monday, March 7, 2011 around 5:45pm, Valerie suffered a heart attack while attending a pilates class at Inshape City Health club.

She spoke with Daniel at 430ish before beginning the class at 5pm. As she started the class, her close friends Jody and Rose were talking with her. When she stopped for a water break she said she wasn't feeling well so she went to sit down. As she sat down, she collapsed. CPR was administered until EMTs arrived. When they reached the hospital, the hospital staff started doing tests, trying to figure out what's going on.